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    Finding the right time: Umberto Onza's journey to entrepreneurship

    From our blog / Article

    Umberto Onza has a dream: to found his own company one day in the future. After experimenting with freelancing—and especially after participating in the Fusion Stellar program—he realized that what he truly seeks in entrepreneurship is to build a strong team around him to share the responsibilities and gain peer support. As Umberto waits for the right time to start his journey as an entrepreneur, he's now equipped with more knowledge and a broader network for when the moment arrives. Here’s Umberto’s Stellar Story.


    Riikka Uimonen



    Investment Director & Co-founder of Fusion Ecosystem


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    Slowly growing into the idea of starting a company

    There are many paths to entrepreneurship. Some are said to be born entrepreneurs, while others are shaped by circumstances and evolving aspirations. For Umberto Onza, as his professional competence has increased, so has the spark for starting his own business one day.

    “The opportunity to introduce something completely new to the market through my own vision, know-how, and expertise is truly exciting. Moreover, the autonomy of being your own boss and the independence that comes with entrepreneurship are significant motivators for my journey to establish a business in the future. My goal is to use gen AI and AI-driven design to create a company that offers a range of new modern services under one roof.”

    He is already well known in this field so this would be a natural path for him to start a new journey in the future.

    While Umberto has dabbled in entrepreneurship through occasional freelance projects, he hasn’t found freelancing compelling enough to start his own company. The idea of being completely reliant on himself and starting a solo venture without a supportive team doesn’t appeal to him at the moment.

    “The fear of failure and the risk of financial instability are in the back of my mind when considering taking the leap into entrepreneurship. It’s crucial for me to find the right people for my founding team. I have no interest in trying to build something significant alone. I’d much prefer to achieve success together with a team and find both comfort and security in co-founders.’’

    Slowly growing into the idea of starting a company

    Confidence and validation through Fusion Stellar

    Many young entrepreneurs experience a phase of self-doubt before finally deciding to launch their company. Umberto is no exception, so being accepted into the Fusion Stellar program was a significant boost to his confidence in entrepreneurship, which only grew stronger over the course of the program.

    “Fusion Stellar seemed like an exclusive program that would bring together individuals who could mutually benefit from each other’s experiences. I was eager to hear the honest pros and cons of entrepreneurship, and learn more about such things as planning for a successful exit. The program delivered on all fronts. I thoroughly enjoyed learning about the dreams and ambitions of others, which brought wings to my own dreams as well: someday, I’ll do it and start a business of my own.”

    The deep and open conversations with other participants, coupled with a supportive atmosphere, fostered a strong sense of belonging. Finding his place in such a professional group brought Umberto a sense of calm and clarity.

    “Each interaction gave me new ideas and added layers to my entrepreneurial dreams. It was enlightening to hear about the varied approaches, opinions, and lessons on entrepreneurship from the impressive founders and seasoned experts in the group. Everyone contributed a unique perspective, which unlocked new levels for my own thinking.”

    Confidence and validation through Fusion Stellar

    Fermenting the idea of ecosystem collaborations and planning a comeback to the program

    A particular highlight of the Fusion Stellar program for Umberto was the concept of ecosystem thinking and how companies can benefit mutually through such frameworks.

    “In addition to the personal experiences shared about entrepreneurship, the most valuable takeaway for me was the role of ecosystems in the business landscape and how these ecosystems can help all involved stakeholders thrive. It’s definitely food for thought when planning my future company’s business strategy.”

    As Umberto is still refining his business idea and has yet to become an entrepreneur, the insights gained from the program have been immensely beneficial. So much so, that he would like to participate in the program again once he is ready to launch his company.

    “I’ve spoken highly of the program and its exceptional keynote speakers to my colleagues. The quality, exclusivity, and atmosphere of the program were just something else. I also valued the support offered by Tuike from Fusion Ecosystem, who welcomed me to reach out to her if I ever wanted to discuss more about, for example, funding opportunities. Sometimes, I would just look around and marvel at being part of such an amazing group of people.”

    While waiting for the next Stellar Story, catch up on previously published entries on our blog:

    Fermenting the idea of ecosystem collaborations and planning a comeback to the program

    About the

    Riikka Uimonen



    Investment Director & Co-founder of Fusion Ecosystem


    Riikka is Investment Director and Co-founder of Fusion Ecosystem, leading the way in co-founding initiatives and serving as board member in various Fusion companies. With a background in management consulting within the tech industry, Riikka brings a wealth of expertise to her role. Riikka earned her PhD in business agility and strategic risk management in uncertainty from Tampere University. On her free time, she is an active sportswoman and enjoys marathons and ultra marathons, cycling and tennis.

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