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    Elevating digital quality – 7th of November 2023

    From our blog / Event

    Live event

    Reaktor HQ, Yliopistonkatu 4

    00100 Helsinki

    The Elevating Digital Quality breakfast event is fully booked! However, you can still sign up for the waiting list.

    This event is for directors who aim to elevate the quality of leadership and operations in their organisations. By taking part in the this breakfast event you'll learn how leading brands are leveraging digital quality as the key to success. You will have the chance to hear why quality leadership is important, what are the building blocks of success, and how leaders can build replicable quality from top to bottom.

    It is also a great chance to network with other business leaders and have an absolutely fantastic breakfast. No joke, it is going to be epic!

    feature image




    08:30 - 9:00

    Breakfast, a spectacular one

    09:00 - 09:15

    Marko Rytkönen, QA Coach at Hidden Trail

    Rethinking quality

    09:20 - 09:35

    Niko Kivelä, Head of DevOps at SOK

    Using Metrics as Quality Signals: Heading for Our Goals @ SOK

    09:40 - 09:55

    Heini Ilmarinen, DevOps Consultant at Polar Squad

    In Pursuit of Quality: Your Role, Your Impact

    10:00- 10:45

    Panel discussion: Key takeaways for elevating digital quality


    More breakfast & mingle

    More about
    the speakers

    Marko Rytkönen

    Marko is passionate advocate for software quality with almost 30 years of expertise in companies with known brands. He is author of the book ACT 2 LEAD - Ohjelmistotestauksen johtamisen käsikirja.

    Niko Kivelä

    Niko’s mission is to help others; teams, individuals, and businesses succeed better and operate more efficiently. He has more than 20 years of experience in the entire software development lifecycle.

    Heini  Ilmarinen

    Heini is a DevOps professional with a twist of data and architecture. She has a great passion for problem solving, explaining complex concepts in a meaningful way and a unique approach to architectures.

    Sarita Runeberg

    Sarita is our host for the event. She recently started as a CEO for Maria01. She has extensive experience from global sales & digital marketing with high expertise in gaming, e-commerce, and retail industries.

    The Elevating Digital Quality breakfast event is fully booked!

    However, if you weren’t able to get a seat, don’t worry – you can still sign up for the waiting list. We may release additional slots closer to the event, so you could still have a chance to join us.

    Why you need this event

    In today’s digital world, the overall quality and consistency of your digital products increasingly drives revenue and profits. As the complexity of software keeps growing, so does the risk of failure and negative exposure. Quality is not just about tech – it’s a big deal for everyone who wants their business and digital products to be top-notch. Quality, after all, is the key driver for competitiveness across industries.


    Fusion Ecosystem together with Fusion companies Hidden Trail and Polar Squad along with our guest speaker from SOK are bringing you this quality-focused breakfast event that you do not want to miss.


    By coming to this event, you’ll gain insights and ideas where to look when building world-class digital quality in your own organization. Our experienced speakers, who are experts in managing quality and leading organizations, will share concrete actions that you can use to take your business to the next level, without getting lost in technical language.


    This event won’t dive deep into tech stuff, but it will help you understand why quality done right in a digital context will affect your whole business positively.


    Join us for a morning of interesting talks, meeting fellow leaders, and a chance to rethink how we approach digital excellence via quality. Oh, yes, and of course the breakfast – it will be beautiful and extra yummy!

    Register now

    Make sure to save your seat for this exciting morning event! Please register to the event from the link below.


    Register now

    Hidden Trail

    Hidden Trail, a Fusion Ecosystem company, assists clients with software quality assurance in a fresh way: instead of focusing on tools and technology, their expert team looks at quality on an organisational level. After all, quality is about what’s important and what’s most valuable to the customer and that is usually more than pristine code. For Hidden Trail, technological competence is just a tool used to deliver true and relevant value.

    Polar Squad

    Polar Squad, a Fusion Ecosystem company, is a DevOps consultancy with 50+ specialized senior professionals that excel in enabling software development companies to focus on what really matters. By creating rapid, scalable and reliable cloud environments and software development practices Polar Squad eliminates unnecessary work.


    S Group is a customer-owned Finnish network of companies in the retail and service sectors, with more than 1,900 outlets in Finland. S Group consists of cooperatives and SOK with its subsidiaries.


    Any questions about the event? Feel free to contact us!

    Tuike Järvi

    Business Director, Reaktor Fusion Ecosystem

    +358 40 059 2123

    [email protected]


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    know more?

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